another misAdventure

"We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sucking Zinc

"Ask your doctor if Placebo is right for you."

I could feel the cold coming when I last wrote. On Saturday I ran out to get some zinc lozenges, as they always seem to help me combat the cold -- whether through real effect or placebo. I didn't do a lot on Saturday or Sunday, partly due to fatigue, partly due to a far-to-long conference call on Saturday afternoon (did it really have to got for three hours?). On Sunday I drove around Valley Forge National Historic Park for a bit, but didn't really feel like stopping. I may go there for a bit next weekend if the weather is better and I feel better. Sunday in the early evening I did some laundry (at a nearby laundromat, since the guest laundry here is broken) and got some take out dinner.

Sunday night, I was sick. Feverish, mainly, but the food I'd gotten also may have been a bit too rich and caused some indigestion. Whatever. I slept only in spurts. The fever broke hard in the night, but then came back in the morning. Through noon yesterday I was a mess again. Between the zinc, acetaminophen, and eating lightly I recovered OK. I slept like a rock last night, and today I seem to be back to near 100%. Let's see if I can keep to that.

Speaking of recovery, I will note that the co-worker's son that I mentioned earlier -- the one wounded in the NIU shooting -- is mentioned briefly in this Chicago Tribune article. We'll see if that link actually works for those that may not be Tribune subscribers. Anyway, he's mentioned as still being in Good Samaritan hospital in fair condition. From the article it sounds like there were three taken to Good Sam, so that matches what Ellen said of her seeing a helicopter hovering waiting for another to clear the helipad.


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