another misAdventure

"We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan."

Friday, May 04, 2007

All The Stuff

We got most of Ryan's stuff moved out of his dorm room today. And I dropped off some additional boxes and bins at Kalen and Kathy's apartment, and help her move out some stuff. Those three are home for the weekend, until they return for their finals and finish moving out next week.

Now the next question (and one they can work on this weekend): where to put all their stuff? Need to find space for everything, and a spot to store some of the stuff Kathy will be taking back for her dorm room in the fall.

No issues with my dental appointment today -- got the old filling drilled out, got the new filling put in. It was entirely routine and about as quick as could be expected. The numbness finally cleared up about 2 hours later, as I was most of the way to Normal.

I listened to the Cubs game on the way down, took about 30 minutes to get Ryan's stuff, went to meet Kalen again (and watched the last inning of the Cubs game), and then took off for home again.

Tomorrow, Cubs game and Cinco de Mayo, the celebration of Mexican mayonnaise.

Hey look, I managed a blog post a day for more than a week!


  • I enjoy your posts particularly when daily or a least frequent. I look forward to reading them. Others take note. Even if you don't have a lot to say, update your blog for me. Mom/Grandma

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/05/2007 5:26 PM  

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