another misAdventure

"We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan."

Friday, September 30, 2005

Since I know you're all in suspense ...

I talked to Tony. He'll take care of the cats.

Ellen didn't want to board the cats, anyway, so she bought a new litter box that scoops itself.

Let me be the first to say that I, for one welcome our new robot cat-litter scooper overlord.

Also a new (not so robotic) auto-feeder for them. So, they would have been fine by themselves for quite a while, and Kalen probably would have dealt with them on the weekend to refresh everything. Anyway, alll is now taken care of.


  • Isn't the entire point though that when they have the auto-feeder, they eat too much and get fat? Well, it's good you got Tony to do it anyway.

    By Blogger Matt, at 10/01/2005 12:55 AM  

  • Yeah, but for a short time it'd be OK. Still, yeah, better that Tony can come.

    Next problem, I think they're scared by the new robot litter overlord. May have to re-think, at least for now.

    By Blogger TT, at 10/01/2005 10:15 AM  

  • Our cats didn't seem to have a problem with the automatic litter box, which was something I was afraid of. Our problem came when a) the wrong type of litter was selected and b) we thought the son who had the assignment of emptying the waste bin section of it was keeping up on it. With three cats, those can become a mess very quickly, and a clay-based litter created a horrible mess when the blades tried to comb through the litter. It had nearly burnt out the motor by the time we heard it going through a partial cycle, meeting resistance and backing off, trying again, etc.

    By Blogger Mike Norton, at 10/01/2005 4:22 PM  

  • Both cats seemed to be pretty hesitant to even come down to the basement to eat, with the robot litter overlord waiting down there for them. It took a lot of coaxing to get Ash down to eat (damn, imagine that!) and I'm not sure Autumn has been down there yet.

    For now, we've turned it off, but with litter in it, and sitting where the old litter box was (the old box is still own there beside it, too). The idea is that they'll get used to the box itself, and then we'll try turning it on again when we're here to calm them.

    So, that'll leave two boxes for Tony to scoop. Shouldn't be more than the normal cat shit, though.

    By Blogger TT, at 10/01/2005 4:43 PM  

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