another misAdventure

"We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan."

Friday, October 05, 2007

Philosophical Question

So, today raises the question: Is it better to fall behind and not be able to close the gap, or to lose in stunning fashion with no opportunity to come back?

In other words, better to be the Cubs the previous two days, or the Angels and the Yankees tonight? All are behind three games to two.

Or for that matter, to get blown out twice like the Phillies?

The answer: better to be any of the above than to be the Mets, Padres, or Brewers.

In other news, it was a busy day at work. I was doing a kind of low-key, remote monitoring (down several steps from what we had been doing), but as soon as I started we noticed an outage in Albuquerque. Not our issue, but we had to struggle to get all the folks online to decide that and to get the customer online to deal with it. Then dealing with another problem reported that I don't think is a problem other than a screwed up antenna or blocked signal. Not a problem we can deal with (especially 1000 miles away). Then there was a false alarm that started just as I was about to leave, so I waited to see if there was a problem or not.

And then, a couple games of Fluxx this evening. Now closing in on midnight -- I need to get to bed.

I'll leave for Wrigley in about 13 hours so I'm there plenty early.


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