another misAdventure

"We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan."

Friday, June 13, 2008

Flag Day Eve

Tomorrow is Flag Day! Yay. I have to remember to put out my flag.

I hope you all find true love!

"Wuv .... Twue Wuv ... wiww fowwow you .... fowevew."


So, I got the 4th edition D&D books today (whoo hoo, Flag Day Eve!). I've spend some time looking at them, but tomorrow is going to be all zeros for "Last Weekend in Verbobonc". Then I'll likely run a zero for LWiV for Kalen and Ryan on Wednesday night. And finally, next weekend is the aforementioned Last Weekend in Verbobonc, where I'll judge all day Saturday plus Sunday morning.

After the morning slot next Sunday Kalen, Ryan, and I will drive back and get to the Cubs game Sunday evening, meeting Ellen and Kathy somewhere (at home? on the way to Wrigley? Depends on how the timing comes out).

Then maybe I'll turn a lot more of my attention to 4e D&D. By the time late-July rolls around I should be playing zeros of 4e/Living Forgotton Realms in preparation for Gencon.


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