another misAdventure

"We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan."

Friday, October 31, 2008

Annual Halloween Post

I have to blog on Halloween, because that's how I keep track of how many kids came to the door.

This year, about 35, maybe a couple less. About the same as last year.

Which meant, I really didn't need to send Kalen out to get more candy. On the other hand, the candy will keep and eventually get eaten (half of it currently in the freezer.

Once again, some kids remembered. "Hey, this is the house that sells comics!".

Well, "sells" in the same way that all those other houses are selling candy. And we "sell" candy too. But it's good that they remember and appreciate the comics.

This post is back-dated, so I can find it easily next year. Otherwise, I'll think we have hundreds of kids show up.

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Monday, October 06, 2008

I Blame Crane Kenny and Eddie Vedder

The Cubs choked in the post-season. There's no other way to put it. When you see a multiple Gold Glove-winning first-baseman have an easy groundball bounce off his glove, on the potential third out of the inning, that could just be bad luck. When it's the third error of the inning, third of four for the night, one for each infielder, it's choking.

That was game two.

In game one, it was the 17-game winning pitcher, 13 at home, who winds up with pitches all around the plate but walking seven batters. That's choking - can't get the ball across.

So, back to my title. I mainly blame Crane Kenney. Kenney is the president of the Cubs. He decided that he needed to try to remove the curse of the Billy Goat -- even though it has been "removed" at many times in the past. So, he hired a Greek Orthodox priest to remove the curse, sprinkling holy water around the dugout and the locker room.

OMG, I am SO tired of hearing about that damn goat! Get over it, people! It's talk of curses, and the pressure of breaking a long streak, that gets players tight -- at least these players.

And, I also blame Eddy Vedder for writing the maudlin "Someday We'll Go All The Way". I first heard that when the Cubs clinched the division, though I didn't know it at the time since I couldn't hear over the cheering. I heard it later in full, and it's more of a lament rather than a fight song or anthem. Something written for a last place team, not for a division champion that has designs on the World Series. God, I hate that song.

But, in the end, it was the total lack of any timely hitting, and particularly the totally dead bats of Soriano and Ramirez, that did in this Cubs team.

Wait 'til next year. Bah.

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