Last Weekend
A post about last weekend, and "Last Weekend", and zeros leading up to "Last Weekend".
OK, I spent last weekend judging at "Last Weekend in Verbobonc". There, does that clarify my opening sentence any? Not that much?
"Last Weekend in Verbobonc" was the mini-convention last week in Champaign which wrapped up the regional storyline for our region in Living Greyhawk (D&D). The LG campaign is closing out, basically ... NOW ..., in favor of 4th edition D&D and Living Forgotten Realms.
LWiV also ran much nearer to home at College of DuPage, but I committed to judging in Champaign to allow the more local con to happen -- long story.
Anyway, we had around abouts 50 players, maybe a smattering more, and mostly judges from the Chicago area (part of that long story above). And I judged four slots of games leading to the end of the story: "A Mother's Love", "Quisling", the battle interactive (title now revealed as "Assault on Castle Greyfist"), and finally "Noble Ambitions". And ... I can't say a lot more, both for spoiler reasons and because there isn't that much more to say. I really enjoyed playing and running "A Mother's Love" the best as there was a good balance between story and fitting encounters. The interactive had way, Way, WAY too many layers of complicating mechanics -- all good ideas but with everything thrown in there was just too much. And, over the weekend I judged too much at APL 14 with groups that were overpowered, not at all at APL 10 where I would have been comfortable (and where I ran one of the zeros), and otherwise at APL 12 which was OK.
The zeroes, the previous weekend, were cool. I was happy at the end of the storyline that my character Aelorin, paladin of St. Cuthbert and protector of the people of Verbobonc, got to stand toe-to-toe with the big bad guy at the end -- the only one of our group to actually be in that position and one of two who dealt damage. Even if, as he was standing there, he was considerably more half-orcish than when he started the module. He died in the first encounter in the mod, was reincarnated going from half-elf to half-orc, but at least he still gets to continue taking levels of Outcast Champion as a result.
That's enough about that.
Sunday was my birthday, so after the morning slot at LWiV we (Kalen, Ryan and I) took off from Champaign to head north to get to the Cubs game. We met Ellen and Kathy at the L station in Forest Park, then rode in and met Bob at the stadium club. So, my birthday was capped by a nice buffet dinner and a Cubs win, completing the sweep of the White Sox.
D&D, family dinner, and baseball. Who could ask for a better birthday?
As for the coming weekend: I'm going to switch into full 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons mode and run the dungeon delve at Wizard World Chicago, all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'm foolish like that. I hope the swag is worth it. It does get my into the con free, when I was very iffy about attending otherwise.
OK, I spent last weekend judging at "Last Weekend in Verbobonc". There, does that clarify my opening sentence any? Not that much?
"Last Weekend in Verbobonc" was the mini-convention last week in Champaign which wrapped up the regional storyline for our region in Living Greyhawk (D&D). The LG campaign is closing out, basically ... NOW ..., in favor of 4th edition D&D and Living Forgotten Realms.
LWiV also ran much nearer to home at College of DuPage, but I committed to judging in Champaign to allow the more local con to happen -- long story.
Anyway, we had around abouts 50 players, maybe a smattering more, and mostly judges from the Chicago area (part of that long story above). And I judged four slots of games leading to the end of the story: "A Mother's Love", "Quisling", the battle interactive (title now revealed as "Assault on Castle Greyfist"), and finally "Noble Ambitions". And ... I can't say a lot more, both for spoiler reasons and because there isn't that much more to say. I really enjoyed playing and running "A Mother's Love" the best as there was a good balance between story and fitting encounters. The interactive had way, Way, WAY too many layers of complicating mechanics -- all good ideas but with everything thrown in there was just too much. And, over the weekend I judged too much at APL 14 with groups that were overpowered, not at all at APL 10 where I would have been comfortable (and where I ran one of the zeros), and otherwise at APL 12 which was OK.
The zeroes, the previous weekend, were cool. I was happy at the end of the storyline that my character Aelorin, paladin of St. Cuthbert and protector of the people of Verbobonc, got to stand toe-to-toe with the big bad guy at the end -- the only one of our group to actually be in that position and one of two who dealt damage. Even if, as he was standing there, he was considerably more half-orcish than when he started the module. He died in the first encounter in the mod, was reincarnated going from half-elf to half-orc, but at least he still gets to continue taking levels of Outcast Champion as a result.
That's enough about that.
Sunday was my birthday, so after the morning slot at LWiV we (Kalen, Ryan and I) took off from Champaign to head north to get to the Cubs game. We met Ellen and Kathy at the L station in Forest Park, then rode in and met Bob at the stadium club. So, my birthday was capped by a nice buffet dinner and a Cubs win, completing the sweep of the White Sox.
D&D, family dinner, and baseball. Who could ask for a better birthday?
As for the coming weekend: I'm going to switch into full 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons mode and run the dungeon delve at Wizard World Chicago, all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'm foolish like that. I hope the swag is worth it. It does get my into the con free, when I was very iffy about attending otherwise.
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