another misAdventure

"We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan."

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Blogs are Back in Town

Gencon is over. Chicago Comicon WizardWorld Chicago is over. So, time to get back to some semblance of normalcy.

Well, maybe a couple more days before actual normalcy. Cubs game on Saturday with Bob and a couple of the kids (exact ones still to be determined), and then I'll take Ryan back to school on Sunday and the girls will go back sometime in there.

We'll see if Ryan is back to normal by then, since he had all four wisdom teeth out on Tuesday. But maybe he'll write about that.

So then next couple of posts will be the Comicon and Gencon reports, with little introduction. Read them if you care about such things. :-)

Update: the WizardWorld Chicago report is up. Gencon report will wait a day or two, because the Comicon report took longer than I'd thought.


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