another misAdventure

"We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan."

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Late Night D&D

Went to the Cubs game with Ellen, Matt and Bob yesterday. No visible offense. Blah. Lunch was better than the usual Saturday array.

Got home and chatted with Doug for a while (back on summer break). I suggested that I'd be willing to run D&D "Blood on Bright Sands". I think I made that suggestion about 8:00. We finally got organized to play about 10:00 -- Matt, Doug, Kalen, Kathy, and Paul.
Fortunately, the mod runs short, plus they decided to skip past a couple parts without investigating, so we got done by about 1:00. It's not a very good mod, but since its the first in the series it was good to get everyone through it.

I still wound up staying up 'til 2:30 trying to print the Adventure Records, as my laptop/PDFs/and the network printer don't seem to be playing well together. Well, it also took longer because I kept falling asleep while waiting for the computer.

Today, it's time to work on the side yard some more -- get the arbor assembled and get the side bed finished up.


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